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Posts made in August, 2011

Volcano Fatigue In Italy

Volcano Fatigue In Italy

How many times does a volcano have to erupt before people become jaded?   A wise owl once had a magic number of three(1) for important questions – and I concur, because I can make a triangle the answer to most anything – but for Italians sick of Mt. Etna the answer is six.   That’s how many times it has erupted in the last month. And it erupts practically every year.  People...

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Heello – TwitPic Creators Turn The Tables On Twitter

You may not know this, but Twitter is actually not that great.   The website itself is clunky. Add-ons are what made it successful.   Sometimes Twitter has acquired them, like with TweetDeck, and sometimes they have created their own once the market has shown them to be popular.The photo sharing website TwitPic started in 2008 as a way to share photos easily on Twitter.  Life was...

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Bayes Theorem: How Mathematics Cracked The Enigma Code

If you've read Science 2.0 for any length of time, you've seen Bayes' Theorem - mostly in sports.  We use it to predict who will win the baseball playoffs, for example.  Bayes’s theorem, named after 18th-century Presbyterian minister Thomas Bayes, has become an invaluable tool for scientists. 

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Idiotic teenager who peed on girl cut from US ski team

It’s easy not to respect skiers because it is a sport only well-heeled parents can afford for kids. If you need a poster child for skiers with a sense of entitlement, you found one in Robert “Sandy” Vietze, 18, who has blown his chance to compete in the 2014 Winter Games in Russia. He may [...]

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Idiotic teenager who peed on girl cut from US ski team

It’s easy not to respect skiers because it is a sport only well-heeled parents can afford for kids. If you need a poster child for skiers with a sense of entitlement, you found one in Robert “Sandy” Vietze, 18, who has blown his chance to compete in the 2014 Winter Games in Russia. He may [...]

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