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Posts made in August, 2011

Gallup Poll: Americans Regard The Federal Government Least Favorably Of 25 Sectors

We keep being told Americans want more government but Gallup polls tell a different story.  What Americans want are more computer companies.The semiconductor industry, which gets nothing at all from academia, the many overlapping science funding agencies or mandates and subsidies from the government, ranks at the top of 25 business and industry sectors in this new poll.  Yayyy,...

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Climate Change Will Mean More Depression And Mental Health Problems?

Climate change has been implicated in many things but mental health is new.  A report titled A Climate of Suffering: The Real Costs of Living with Inaction on Climate Change by the Climate Institute says climate change could mean more than direct problems for the environment.Australians are generally pissed off now, it says, and that will only get worse when there are more droughts, heat...

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James Hansen of NASA arrested in protest outside White House

James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, was arrested outside the White House as he joined protesters in urging President Barack Obama to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s $7 billion pipeline. It's all fine to protest but we have to find out if he took yet another leave of absence to engage in advocacy work.   If climate scientists want to be regarded as trusted...

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California: More jobs wanted but companies pay too little taxes?

On the same day the Sacramento Bee lamented that Google and Apple paid too little in taxes an unfailingly progressive columnist in the same paper said jobs were a concern. Well, which is it?  Decades of business hostility have driven real jobs from the state, and even the country – now we would like them back because ‘service’ jobs have turned out to be not all that great....

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ClimateGate Is Not Over?

Penn State had no issue with research by Michael Mann and, with qualifications about his 'statistical analysis techniques', the National Science Foundation cleared him as well, so why hasn't this ClimateGate thing gone away?The University of Virginia is providing ammunition for skeptics by citing 'proprietary nature' of some material requested under a Freedom of Information Act request, forcing a...

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