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Posts made in September, 2011

Terry Bradshaw As History Teacher

Terry Bradshaw is no stranger to speaking his mind; of rookie quarterback Cam Newton, Bradshaw said, “I’m not a Newton fan. I didn’t like him in college.”  Yesterday Newton became the first rookie quarterback in NFL history to throw 400 yards in his debut. This is why Bradshaw is a talking head on TV and not a scout. On Peyton Manning and that neck injury, Bradshaw admits...

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SpongeBob SquarePants Is Bad For Kids? I Believe The Truthiness!

I don't like SpongeBob SquarePants.  I generally regard any parent who does like SpongeBob SquarePants with suspicion and derision; they probably watch "Real Housewives of Fresno" or whatever city that show is down to now.So when I see an article claiming SpongeBob is bad for kids and I may have a reason to ban that porifera from the house, it has a certain truthiness to it and so I let...

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9/11 – Where Were You?

I suspect many people kept newspapers about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Before the Internet and its seeming permanence, keeping newspapers and magazines of important events was common. Instead, I kept the newspaper about September 10th.  I’ll tell you why. Obviously, it was dated September 11th but it was news from September 10th, there being no real-time print. The...

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Collective Intention And ‘The Power Of Thought’ – A 9/11 Experiment

A group of people are joining together for the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Center to discover whether their 'collective intention' can bring peace to the world.What does that even mean?  The 9/11 Intention Experiment is the latest of 23 Web-based experiments carried out by author Lynne McTaggart to try and test the power of thought to change...

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Publish Or Perish – Is That Journal Peer-Reviewed?

Once upon a time, journals were horribly expensive to produce and to read.  Your research might only be read by 200 people but those 200 people knew the work was vetted by reviewers.   It had a quality standard.Open access publishing is a blessing and a curse in some ways.   Some very popular journals are not peer-reviewed, they are instead looked over by an editor who may or may...

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