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Posts made in September, 2011

New Scientist New Feature – Dating!

I thought it was a joke when Alex Berezow of Real Clear Science sent this to me.  You know, someone sets up a spoof site for laughs because the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks naturally lends itself to humor.Even the .ico file for the subdomain is a big ol' heart - and it is a subdomain so it must be real.

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America – Still The Place To Be For Science

Despite the self-loathing of progressives in American science academia, America is a pretty good place to be, even after 15 years of onerous visa restrictions that have made it difficult to hire the best people and forces immigrants educated here to return home because they aren't allowed to work.Well, legal immigrants anyway.  Illegal immigrants even get cheaper tuition in California. read...

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Home Schooling Gets An A+ In Canada

Can professional teachers in a crowded classroom hobbled by arcane government policies teach kids well?   Probably, in most cases, but institutionalized education and their unions have gone to war against any changes to the status quo, even when the status quo is clearly broken.  The only acceptable change is more money.Home schooling can do a great job, if it is structured and has a...

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Home Schooling Gets An A+ In Canada

Can professional teachers in a crowded classroom hobbled by arcane government policies teach kids well?   Probably, in most cases, but institutionalized education and their unions have gone to war against any changes to the status quo, even when the status quo is clearly broken.  The only acceptable change is more money.Home schooling can do a great job, if it is structured and has a...

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COTI: Predator-Style Heat Vision Coming To A War Zone Near You

The COTI (Clip On Thermal Imager) by Optics1 gives warfighters "Predator"-style vision to better tag those terrorists and other threats; it adds thermal signals to to existing night-vision devices.The human eye sees light in wavelengths between 400-700 nanometers, while a night-vision device is near the infrared range, around 900. The COTI's long-wave infrared technology is in the 8- to...

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