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Posts made in September, 2011

Incentives: To Change Science, Make Your Own

Science 2.0 fave Cam Neylon has some thoughts from a recent conference panel, namely that the thought process did not go beyond the usual "Institutions should do X" stuff.   Obviously we all agree, there would be no Science 2.0 if we waited for the NSF or a university or bloggers to create it.

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Meat Eaters Are Anti-Social Psychologist Diederik Stapel Sacked

Can we get three cheers for psychology?  The bulk of the quality researchers in the field have consistently been under fire because of researchers like Satoshi Kanazawa and Marc Hauser but have started taking their discipline back.Circling the wagons around researchers was never a good idea but, well, things happen and psychologists are people too.  Yet over the last year they have...

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Environmentalists: Save More Species By Accepting Science

Unfortunate subsets of some militant environmental groups believe that anyone who uses the land, including quite responsibly, is an enemy.   read more

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The Jerry Lewis Telethon

I know, I know, it’s the MDA Labor Day Telethon but, if you are a certain age, it is the Jerry Lewis Telethon.   Without Jerry Lewis, the telethon would have died an early death – the fact that he is no longer involved is shocking. The hosts have all been gracious; they know his non-participation and unwillingness to even mention his participation with the Muscular Dystrophy...

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End of Ramadan Fast – Did Arabian Astronomers Get It Wrong?

Christianity has its controversies, like the original date on which Easter is based, but it's a celebration and therefore symbolic.  Muslims are a little more rigorous in their approach and there has been turmoil over the possibility that quasi-scientific authorities in Arabia  misread the skies and mistook Saturn for the moon when it declared Ramadan and its daily fasting over last...

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