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Posts made in September, 2011

Federal Wilderness Act And Environmentalists Prevent Endangered Trout Recovery

One long-standing myth is that any law claiming to be good for the environment is actually good for the environment.   Anyone living along levees in the South who watched environmental lawsuits block improvements in the 1990s and then heard the Army Corps of Engineers criticized after Hurricane Katrina for not previously making improvements had to wonder why the media didn't cover one...

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Adaptiv technology makes tanks look like…cows?

A team at BAE System in Sweden has developed new technology called Adaptiv which is basically an ‘invisibility cloak’ they claim can make modern war tanks look like part of the landscape. Even cows. Adaptiv has scanners that read objects on the landscape and reproduce them using patterns of hot and cold on panels on [...]

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Adaptiv technology makes tanks look like…cows?

A team at BAE System in Sweden has developed new technology called Adaptiv which is basically an ‘invisibility cloak’ they claim can make modern war tanks look like part of the landscape. Even cows. Adaptiv has scanners that read objects on the landscape and reproduce them using patterns of hot and cold on panels on [...]

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HD 85512 b – Super Earth among 50 new exoplanets discovered

The HARPS team today announced the discovery of more than 50 new exoplanets orbiting nearby stars, including 16 super-Earths - the largest number of such planets ever announced at one time.One of the recently announced newly discovered planets, HD 85512 b, is estimated to be only 3.6 times the mass of the Earth and is located at the edge of the habitable zone — a narrow zone around a star in...

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HD 85512 b – Super Earth among 50 new exoplanets discovered

The HARPS team today announced the discovery of more than 50 new exoplanets orbiting nearby stars, including 16 super-Earths - the largest number of such planets ever announced at one time.One of the recently announced newly discovered planets, HD 85512 b, is estimated to be only 3.6 times the mass of the Earth and is located at the edge of the habitable zone — a narrow zone around a star in...

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