Posted on Nov 8, 2011 | Comments Off on The War Over Wireless Power?
If you've studied the martial arts, or know anything at all about Asian culture, you have heard of the ch'i. It's spelled lots of different ways, which happens when you turn Eastern sounds into Western letters, but essentially it means a life force.(1)As a young guy, open to the world, it's easy to be drawn into discussions and thoughts about lots of ideas and a life force essential to all...
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Posted on Nov 7, 2011 | Comments Off on Who Was Worse? The Unabomber or Steve Jobs?
Professor David Gelernter is a pioneering computer scientist who earned renown by connecting computers together into collaborative networks. He has claimed since 2008 that Apple, Inc. pirated his technology - ironically Apple head Steve Jobs claimed in a new biography that Google had pirated Apple technology, which had to have made old guys at Xerox PARC giggle, since the original Mac...
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Posted on Nov 7, 2011 | Comments Off on When A Communist Country Says You Are Too Communist…
Europeans hoping for a bailout by China aren’t going to be thrilled by the comments of Jin Liqun, the supervising chairman of China Investment Corporation, China’s sovereign wealth fund.
He says that unless Europe changes its labor laws and adjusts its welfare system, he does not consider it to be a profitable investment. You know when communists think your system is too communist,...
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Posted on Nov 6, 2011 | Comments Off on California Confusion – Homemade Food And Clotheslines Are Illegal
California is a jumble of progressive confusion. People like to pay $15 a dozen for organic, free range chicken eggs and subsidize solar energy, for example, but a clothesline - the most emissions free way to dry clothes ever, invented by ancient man - is illegal in most neighborhoods, and someone making homemade bread and selling it, a practice that got a lot of families through the Great...
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Posted on Nov 5, 2011 | Comments Off on Rich Anti-Science Hippies And Vaccines (Again)
Get your 'false equivalence' disclaimers ready, uber-progressive metropolitan San Francisco is once again leading America in anti-science beliefs. Unlike something silly and annoying, like acceptance of evolution, progressive anti-science kills people.
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