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Posts made in March, 2012

How To Be Emotionally Stable Without Getting Bored – The Musical!

Max Lugavere, founding producer and host for Current TV, the Emmy winning cable network started by Al Gore, started a column on Psychology Today and came up with this gem.(1)He writes that he saw a piece by Nick Cox, a writer living in Cambridge, MA, called How To Be Emotionally Stable Without Getting Bored and liked it so much he...put it to music. read...

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Women’s Group Presses Obama On Misogyny Double Standard

More women are noting the hypocrisy of lambasting Rush Limbaugh (no defense for him – yes, any idiot who goes to a school just to protest their health care is a militant nut job but ‘militant nut job’ is where he should have let it go) yet letting left wing people off easy.  When left-wing men were using those same derogatory terms, especially about right-wing women, it was...

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Hygiene Hypothesis And Why Amish Kids Have Less Asthma

If you do not have your 11-year-old child in a car seat while driving and in a bicycle helmet while playing, you are putting them at severe risk.  We have to protect them.  Or not. While we expose kids to all kinds of harmful cultural stuff at earlier and earlier ages (sex, violence, political debates) we don't trust their physical competence or their judgment.Heck, the people behind...

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Apple Collusion? Justice Department Looks Into E-Books

Some old people don't understand why you would pay $10 to 'license' a book rather than $10 to own one. E-Book readers are certainly convenient, you can have a lot of books in your carry-on bag instead of one, and people are happy to pay for convenience. In my case, it is practical. I have a lot of old books so if I want to read them, I risk damaging them or I have to buy 'reader' copies and then...

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Synthetic Caffeine? A New Marketing Gimmick For Organic Food

If you're an anti-science hippie obsessed with the notion that 'natural' is always superior to whatever 'inorganic' means to people who know nothing about science or medicine or food or generally what carbon-based life means, I have good news for you; you may soon be able to determine if that caffeine in your Organic, Free-Range Red Bull is really natural.What? Organic, Free-Range Red Bull...

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