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Posts made in March, 2012

"The Lorax" – A Dr. Seuss Cartoon For The Unabomber In Your Child

It isn't like Hollywood changed "The Lorax" story all that much in order to indict capitalism or Republicans or materialism or whatever all Hollywood movies have to address in an election year.  Dr. Seuss went after racism and every other topic and both the left and the right assumed he was on their side. He was that clever.  The movie, not so much.

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Holland’s Mobile Euthanasia – Doctors Won’t Make House Calls But Levenseinde Will

Mobile euthanasia units in Holland will travel around the country to help people end their lives when their own doctors subscribe to that old-fashioned Hippocratic Oath and refuse to accept 21st century postmodern values.Levenseinde, "Life End", is the biggest Dutch advancement in helping kill people since turning Anne Frank over to the Nazis. They legalized euthanasia in 2002 as one of their...

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SpeechJammer Gun Shuts People Up Remotely

SpeechJammer Gun Shuts People Up Remotely

Japanese researchers Kazutaka Kurihara of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Koji Tsukada of Ochanomizu University have developed a portable SpeechJammer gun that can silence people from a hundred feet away.Their claim of a benefit?  It may bring world peace.  Sometimes conflicts can't be resolved peacefully because the other person just won't shut...

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General Motors Suspends Chevy Volt (Maybe Pres. Obama Should Have Bought One Sooner)

President Obama said last week he would buy a Chevy Volt - but not for another five years. We can't fault him for that, in a weak economy lots of people postpone car purchases.  Well, technically, he said that he would buy one when he was no longer president but that means five years.  As long as Republicans trot out one of the current crop of candidates, Obama can maintain an approval...

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Occupy Occupy D.C. Rallies Against ‘Obama’s War on Nature’

The anti-Occupy Wall Street movement, styling themselves Occupy Occupy D.C., held a rally today at Freedom Plaza to call for a “Cease Fire in Obama's War on Nature.” They came out today to protest “the Obama Administration's new policy to kill the barred owl in deference to the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest.”If that makes no sense, welcome to politics.  If you've never...

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