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Posts made in March, 2012

Soylent Pink: It’s What’s In Your Child’s Lunch

In our modern culture, we have both the politicization of science and the scientization of politics. They sound similar but the goals are different - the first obviously seeks to inject political agendas into science while the second seeks to make a political objective seem more rational by mapping it to a science topology. read...

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Social Media Intolerance: Liberals Far More Likely To Unfriend Opposing Views

People on the left - to international readers they go under the umbrella of 'liberals' in America, but run the gamut from social authoritarian progressives to activists to freedom-loving liberals in the traditional sense - are a lot less concerned about tolerance and diversity when it comes to differing viewpoints. read...

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Science Hysteria – Cell Phone Use During Pregnancy May Cause ADD In Babies

Like vaccines and autism or genetically modified potatoes and immune systems or DDT causing cancer, some myths stick around so long they become truth despite any evidence - and cell phone radiation may be on that same track.Yale School of Medicine researchers are not immune to jumping on the pop culture bandwagon.  It's easy if you just want to find something vague like Attention Deficit...

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Recycling: The Short Version

The old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  In this case, a picture is worth millions.  Millions of tons of carbon dioxide that could be saved if we stopped throwing food into landfills, that is.Food waste is a pet peeve of mine. Yes, we do it at my house, probably way too much, but there is only so much nagging one can do.  I don't have the yard space to do...

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Apocalypse Now: The Boys Book of Armageddon

From Science Codex we get word of a new instruction manual for the coming apocalypse. They write:Yes, the world is coming to an end! At least that's what we should believe based on what we hear from the History Channel during sweeps week. But it's worse than that! Now it is the History Channel, The Learning Channel, and you'll not be surprised, every channel because it's popular. We are...

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