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Posts made in May, 2012

Be A Sexy Jerk: Nice Guys Finish Last In Reproduction Too

Females like the bad boys when they are young, we all know that colloquially - and even more so when they are ovulating, say a group of social and evolutionary psychologists. read...

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North Dakota Passes Alaska To Become Second Largest US Oil Producer

North Dakota pumped 17.8 million barrels of oil in March, with a daily average of 575,490 barrels, and has passed Alaska to become the second-leading oil-producing state in the nation, trailing only Texas.North Dakota owes its quick rise from the number nine spot just six years to improved horizontal drilling techniques in the rich Bakken shale and Three Forks formations in the western part...

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The New Phrenology

Jonah Goldberg, writing a guest piece in USA Today, tackles what he calls 'the new conservative phrenology' - basically, pseudosciencing up why Democrats are super-smart just for registering to be Democrats and Republicans are not part of the reality-based science community:"They were born that way."

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Is The Government Putting Medical Ethics At Risk?

A short while ago we carried a strange claim from a group of ethicists at Oxford.  Not only should abortion be okay, actual children should be aborted even after they are born.They're ethicists so they can be dismissed rather quickly. Tomorrow they are just as likely to be arguing there should be no abortion at all if you can't abort newborns.  Yet there is growing concern that the...

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Diamond Sutra – Ancient Buddhist Sanskrit Is Oldest Printed Open Access Text

The Diamond Sutra is a 16-foot scroll of Buddhist texts dealing with the practice of non-abidance. A dated colophon is included, making it the first known block-printed text to carry an explicit date.Translated, the date of printing was May 11, 868 but that isn't the most fascinating part of the colophon. It reads...Reverently made for universal free distribution by Wang Jie on behalf of his...

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