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Posts made in May, 2012

16-Year-Old Solves 350-year-Old Math Problem

Take that, Sir Isaac Newton.  16-year-old Shouryya Ray has solved two fundamental particle dynamics theories, which will help scientists calculate the flight path of a thrown ball and predict how it will strike and bounce off a wall, a tough problem for hundreds of years.Ray attributes his success to  "Schuele generic naivety" - schoolboy naivetĂ© - but good math should not be...

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A Schoolbus In Space Passed Us By This Morning

2012 KT42, an asteroid about the size of a school bus, went by us at a distance of about 9,000 miles - larger than the diameter of the Earth but still a near miss, astronomically speaking.  Why weren't hysterics worried about this one?   They're still obsessing with Nibiru, I suppose. Plus, small rocks are never known about that far in...

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Square Kilometre Array Telescope Makes A Decision, Sort Of

The Square Kilometre Array telescope will be the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope, but it had a bit of a problem most big science projects do not have; multiple countries wanted to host it. read...

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Student Secretly Lives Inside AOL- And Builds A Company

What do you do when the project you did is complete but your entry badge still works for the AOL Palo Alto campus and you have no place to live?You sleep on couches there.Eric Simons, age 19, managed to pull it off for two months before being caught by a security guard - he ate the free food, drank the free drink, worked out in the gym when he wasn't working, and took showers there.And built his...

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Student Secretly Lives Inside AOL- And Builds A Company

What do you do when the project you did is complete but your entry badge still works for the AOL Palo Alto campus and you have no place to live?You sleep on couches there.Eric Simons, age 19, managed to pull it off for two months before being caught by a security guard - he ate the free food, drank the free drink, worked out in the gym when he wasn't working, and took showers there.And built his...

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