Posted on May 21, 2012 | Comments Off on 96% Of Restaurant Entrees More Delicious Than USDA Recommends
I'll tell you a secret a chef told me. That secret is...butter.There is a reason restaurants that seek to charge the same for 'healthy' fare end up being big flops; people feel cheated eating bean sprouts they can make at their house. No one cares about how much butter is in a dish when they go to a restaurant because it is a night out, a special occasion. Calories are basically...
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Posted on May 21, 2012 | Comments Off on You Can’t Be Anti-Business And Claim To Be Pro-Green
California faces an identity crisis. The financial mismanagement is so well known that late-night talk show hosts make jokes about getting loans...from Greece. Three years ago, third world countries like Romania were safer bonds than California but now Greece is better too? That's kind of sad. The tired old 'we will cut important services for show until you vote for tax...
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Posted on May 21, 2012 | Comments Off on You Can’t Be Anti-Business And Claim To Be Pro-Green
California faces an identity crisis. The financial mismanagement is so well known that late-night talk show hosts make jokes about getting loans...from Greece. Three years ago, third world countries like Romania were safer bonds than California but now Greece is better too? That's kind of sad. The tired old 'we will cut important services for show until you vote for tax...
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Posted on May 21, 2012 | Comments Off on 5 Science Books All Future Presidents Should Read
With four members of Congress possessing science degrees, it is no wonder our science policies looks a lot like what lawyers would create.But Science 2.0 is about lighting candles for people, not cursing their darkness, and toward that end we tirelessly scour the Internet for new ways to provide proper context for complex science issues. Basically, getting a handle on science for people who...
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Posted on May 18, 2012 | Comments Off on Cap And Trade For Water?
A cap and trade system for carbon dioxide has been a terrific flop; even proponents are leery that it is just another layer of bureaucracy and the only economic benefits have been of the economic voodoo kind, similar to a federal stimulus package that went primarily to state and municipal union employees were called 'jobs saved' in a brilliant bit of marketing.Why would anyone want to export that...
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