Posted on May 17, 2012 | Comments Off on Science Win: Bt Eggplant Gets Government Approval In Philippines
Anti-science hippies who invoke the precautionary principle to extremes (but only about their own causes) are not just an American cult phenomenon; Europe invented anti-science hysteria and the term Frankenfood.In the Philippines, the problems and hysterical claims are similar but the results have been better for science - though still not without disagreement. We can forgive...
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Posted on May 17, 2012 | Comments Off on You Can’t Vote On Dark Matter, But It Sounds Like Fun
While the word 'consensus' is commonly used in science, it isn't a great one. Consensus means basically voting and the public does not want to think science is like the United Nations where everyone, no matter how right or wrong, gets to insure nothing ever gets accomplished because some remote dictatorship can cancel out the US.So a vote on the existence of Dark Matter isn't legally...
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Posted on May 16, 2012 | Comments Off on Garra Rufa Fish Pedicures – Complementary Medicine Quackery For Your Toes
Garra rufa - "doctor fish' - are now trendy in some fish pedicure places. The pedicuree dips their feet (see? I don't specify a gender or make any judgments, I am not Manny Pacquiao) into water containing the fish and the little critters exfoliate you by basically eating the dead skin from your toes.
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Posted on May 16, 2012 | Comments Off on Barbarian Respect: Ancient, Dead Language Discovered On 2,800-Year-Old Tablets
Barbarians don't get a lot of respect but a previously unknown ancient language buried in the ruins of a 2,800-year-old Middle Eastern palace may get them some.Evidence of the long-lost language, probably spoken by a hitherto unknown people from the Zagros Mountains of western Ira, was translated to reveal the names of 60 women – probably prisoners-of-war or victims of an Assyrian forced...
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Posted on May 16, 2012 | Comments Off on The Case For The NSF No Longer Funding Political Science
Last year, fiscal hawk Senator Tom Coburn stuck his economic talons into waste at the National Science Foundation. Scientists, alarmed at the prospect of losing funding, circled the wagons while the usual kooky progressive suspects claimed because Coburn had an 'R' in his political party, he must be...
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