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Posts made in June, 2012

How Accurate Are The ‘Science Education Is Dismal’ Claims?

Every two years an international standardized test is given and a lot more often than that we get treated to mainstream media claims about how bad science education is.  They never want to say students are dumb - it is just the ammunition in their culture war against...someone.  Mostly taxpayers, it seems, since they are buying into propaganda by well-funded education lobbyists that...

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Quit fretting. U.S. is fine in science education

Quit fretting. U.S. is fine in science education

Pop quiz. What year was this written? “Our once unchallenged pre-eminence in commerce, industry, science and technological innovation is being overtaken by competitors throughout the world. … The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity.” 2012? 2004? 2000? Try 1983. These days, it sounds as if things have been bad for decades and are...

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Featured in USA Today

Featured in USA Today

Pop quiz. What year was this written? “Our once unchallenged pre-eminence in commerce, industry, science and technological innovation is being overtaken by competitors throughout the world. … The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity.” 2012? 2004? 2000? Try 1983. These days, it sounds as if things have been bad for decades...

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China needs to change its economic model?

Count on economics, the dismal science, to claim that the one economy not crippled in 2012, is in peril.Change it must, argues political scientist Victor Shih of Northwestern University in Financial Times, because its net exports to GDP is falling rapidly. Since its trade surplus, the cheap engine of its financial machine, has shrunk, they must consider

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Thanks But No Thanks For AIDS Comparison, Say Chagas Disease Experts

"Chagas Disease: “The New HIV/AIDS of the Americas”" screams the headline of an editorial in the open access journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, written primarily by two principal investigators of a vaccine against Chagas disease - and it has resounded with a thud among the actual people they think they are helping. read...

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