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Posts made in June, 2012

When Countries Succeed, People Get Fat

The Utopian vision society has always dreamed about was a world where people could eat so much for so little money, that it wasn't just rich people who could afford to be fat; anyone could.Well, we have that. America is more self-loathing about its obesity issues than most countries but Italian kids are fat, everyone in Britain is fat, and even the French are closing in on a weight...

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Vegans: Even People 7,200 Years Ago Knew Better

Two of the great feel-good fallacies promoted by vegetarians and vegans today is that eating less meat will stop climate change and that ancient man did it their way.In reality, ancient man loved meat, it was just hard to kill.  So ancient scientists domesticated livestock - and then they found more uses for it, like milk, butter and cheese. It wasn't just Europeans, researchers have...

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Leader Of Germany’s Environmental Movement Loses Faith In The IPCC

What does it take for Fritz Vahrenholt, a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg, a former German environment minister and one of the fathers of the German environmental movement (and, unlike everyone at Desmogblog.com, who simply write character assassinations the moment people deviate from their worldview, has actually devoted a lot of time and money to...

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Food Sovereignty Ordinances – A Way To Encourage Locally Grown Food

In an era where social authoritarianism, with more laws, paying to have special stickers, and more regulation of food are all the rage, some towns are going the opposite way and passing ordinances exempting farmers from state and federal regulations - if they sell their products directly to consumers.Illegal?  You betcha.  The one thing government does not like, and the bigger the...

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Is There A Mathematical Code To The Universe?

I make fun of numerology but I kind of like it. I can like it and still make fun of it because I don't take it too seriously.Want to claim there is a mathematical secret, far beyond human intelligence, buried in religious texts?  Sure, I will listen, if it's on TV and well produced. It's fun to speculate that prayers and rituals have a pattern that contains some sacred rhythm and people...

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