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Posts made in December, 2012

“Dear Cancer, I beat you aged eight and today I got my PhD in cancer research. Take that!”

You have to love this story by Dr. Vicky Forster of the Northern Institute for Cancer Research in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month."On Christmas day in 1994, whilst the rest of my family were playing games in the lounge, I was asleep in bed upstairs feeling absolutely exhausted, despite the fact that I had only woken up a few hours previously. I had been ill for a few weeks with what the...

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Obamadon Gracilis – Toothy Lizard Named After American President

2009 was sure a long time ago.  Back then, President Barack Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing more than his inauguration speech. Exuberant voters ignored his vaccine-causes-autism believer, the many UFO-believers and the guy who thought girls couldn't do math on his transition team.  Even naming a Doomsday Prophet as Science Czar was cheered. read...

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Girls Play With Dolls, Boys Catapult Them

Though a subset of culture is determined to make the world omnisexual, kids are not getting the message. read...

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Didn’t Get A Nobel Prize This Year? Maybe You Should Sue Too

In what is believed to be a historical first, someone named Dr. Rongxiang Xu has filed a lawsuit against the Nobel Assembly, citing libel and unfair competition. read more

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New York City Voters Just Fine With Fracking – In Pennsylvania

I've often joked that residents of New York City have little knowledge of the culture and lifestyle of people beyond the Hudson River. Some seem to think the "Fallout" games are actually happening in all that land they fly over between Manhattan and San Francisco. read...

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