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Posts made in December, 2012

Bone Wars: How We Were Told A Brontosaurus Ever Existed

The Bone Wars was the name given to a bitter competition between two paleontologists, Yale's O.C. Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope of Philadelphia. Their mutual dislike, paired with their scientific ambition, led them to race dinosaur names into publication, each trying to outdo the other.In the heat of that competition Marsh discovered the partial skeleton of a long-necked, long-tailed, leaf-eating...

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Less Anti-Science Humbug, Says British Environment Secretary

Owen Paterson, Environment Secretary, says genetically modified food should be grown and sold widely in Britain and opponents of the technology are talking "humbug". Paterson made the remarks amid speculation that ministers are ready to relax controls on the cultivation of GM crops.What?  Use science to grow food?  Can we get more Brits to re-colonize America, this time in batty...

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My Appearance On The Blaze Network

Last week I flew to Dallas, Texas to do a spot for a pilot program on The Blaze Network, started by conservative political commentator Glenn Beck. read...

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American Gut Project and uBiome – It’s Not Citizen Science If You Charge People

How do you know 'citizen science' has gotten to be a popular term?  Two 'citizen-science projects' are charging people to analyze their poop and claiming it will make the world a better place.The American Gut Project wants to 'enroll' 10,000 people to pay money to find out what's living in their intestines. uBiome will settle for 2,000.

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Hollywood Bias? Snubbed Documentary “2016” More Popular Than The 15 Oscar Contenders Combined

The Academy Awards are never about the best movies, or even the movies people go to see, or even good movies. Instead, they are about rewarding the ‘right kind’ of production.  “Out Of Africa” got 11 Oscar nominations while “Ran” was not nominated for even one. American directors have made their whole careers lifting the work of Akira Kurosawa but he only got...

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