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Posts made in December, 2012

Simpletons Amazed Pat Robertson Not A Young Earth Creationist

One of the silliest tropes in the hyped-up 'controversy' over evolution is that all religious people should be conflated with 'Young Earth Creationists'.   read...

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Environmental Ad Campaign Encourages Turning Shower Off After Showering

Onion.com's science-related stories are not their funniest, but this recent one about a supposed EPA ad campaign might make you smile. 

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In Time For Christmas, North Korea Discovers Unicorn Lair

North Korean archaeologists are claiming discovery of a unicorn lair. I want this to be true but the source, North Korea's news organization, is even less credible and more partisan than the Huffington Post, where I saw...

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It Takes Basic Research, Stupid

Hot on the heels of the election, geoscientists are recommending what should be an obvious change of direction for our energy policy; instead of wasting another $72 billion on subsidies for corporations building legacy ineffective green energy technology, the Obama administration should be funding basic research with that money instead.  read...

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