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Sen. Patty Murray’s War On Women

Senator Patty Murray (D – Wash.) contends the gender gap between men and women is unfair and that individual differences between employees need to be controlled by progressive legislation, namely the Paycheck Fairness Act – unless the inequality is in her own office.

Senator Murray, it turns out, is part of the gender pay problem and not part of the solution; her office pays female staffers 35.2 percent less than men, far above the around 5 percent wage gap that exists between men and women when experience, hours worked and differing fields are controlled for.

Maybe she hates women.  I wonder if she hates irony.  If it is her, she is not alone.  37 out of 50 Democratic senators pay their female staffers less than male staffers.  But she is not the worst offender.  That honor goes to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I – Vt.) who not only employees 40 percent more men than women, he pays the men 47.6 percent more.  If you have heard the name it is because he claims Republicans are “trying to roll back the clock on women’s rights.”

To when?  1955?  Because that is the year he thinks womens’ earnings stopped.

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