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Posts made in February, 2013

Raw Milk Fights Back

I'm generally critical of raw milk, along with just about every microbiologist and all of the scientists in the CDC and FDA. The reason is simple; it has no beneficial value and foodborne illness plummeted once we started pasteurizing milk and other things.I drank raw milk as a kid. I lived on a farm. As a result there were lots of things I was exposed to that would make a city dweller sick. For...

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Animal Activists Are Dumb About Science, But Smart About Exploiting The “Gap Of Knowledge”

Animal rights groups have gotten smarter in recent years.It used to be their tactics were denial of science, ethical posturing and inflammatory ads in newspapers, but now it is naked women and building business-to-business relationships with food companies. Why? So they can influence how animals are raised with companies that buy large quantities of pork, like McDonald’s, Burger King and most...

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Romancing The Paleo

Other than simple curiosity about our ancestors, why do we care whether an adult from 4,000 years ago could drink milk without getting a stomachache? The answers could change our ideas about the speed at which our evolution has occurred and if we are stuck with ancient genes and ancient bodies in a modern environment. It's reasonable to speculate that humans aren't suited to our modern lives, and...

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I Got A Letter From The White House…

Because I signed a petition asking for increased open access of studies, I got an email from White House Science Czar Dr. John Holdren today - don't get excited, after all of the mean things I have said about him he is not suddenly writing me personally, it was a mass email - saying they had 'listened' and were making some changes, a letter we all knew was coming.It reads, in part: ...

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I Got A Letter From The White House…

Because I signed a petition asking for increased open access of studies, I got an email from White House Science Czar Dr. John Holdren today - don't get excited, after all of the mean things I have said about him he is not suddenly writing me personally, it was a mass email - saying they had 'listened' and were making some changes, a letter we all knew was coming.It reads, in part: ...

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