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Posts made in February, 2013

Dartmoor: Ancient Tomb Made From Materials Not Then Discovered In Britain

Dartmoor is a moorland in south Devon, England and human remains and Bronze Age artifacts discovered there have been called "one of the most significant findings of at least the last 100 years" by a team of researchers.They found cremated human bones, wrapped in a type of animal hide, as well as what appear to be intricately designed jewelry and textiles. They were discovered within a granite...

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Is Thor Mighty Or Just Magic?

If you are a long-time Thor comic book reader, you know Thor's hammer used to be really, really heavy. That means Thor used to be really, really strong. Somewhere along the way Big Hulk lobbyists decided that the green guy should be the strongest character in Marvel comics,so writers gave him both virtually unlimited strength and decided that Thor's hammer, the creatively-named Mjolnir...

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Harming Your Kid Is Not A First Amendment Right

Quick, which states have the most philosophical exemptions from vaccines, religious states or the more atheist states?Answer: the states with more atheists per capita - because in America they share a political and cultural demographic that is inherently anti-science. But I have good news for those anti-science people; an actual religious person has filed for a philosophical exemption, which...

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World’s Oldest Porn – 3,000 Years Ago And Bi-Curious

If you want to see sex stuff as part of your job, go into archeology. The ancient world is littered with images of a phallus, a Venus figurine worthy of Hugh Hefner, and even a vulva painting.Still, most prehistoric erotic art is abstract, disembodied. It doesn’t explicitly depict sex-crazed ancients screwing their brains out for fun and fertility.But one little-known, mysterious archaeological...

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Coffee: A Developing World Problem People Really Care About

You can bet that if I don't have my Double Black Diamond Extra Bold tomorrow morning, I am writing me a letter to Congress. Guatemalans take their coffee just as seriously and have already gone to Def-Con 1 over coffee rust, which is affecting 70% of the country's crop.Roya is a fungus that grows on the leaves of the coffee plant and that starves the beans. It's caused by too much rain, which is...

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