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Posts made in June, 2013

What You Know About The Risk Of Nuclear Power Is Probably Wrong

During the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant, which is a couple hundred miles from where he and his family live, Paul Bluestein stayed in his home while thousands of others fled the Tokyo area and many foreigners left Japan for good.  Radiation was about to create a Godzilla and he always goes for Tokyo. If you believe fear and doubt promoted with junk science.Not...

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Science Is A Mess And Philosophy Will Fix it?

Stephen Hawking recently declared that philosophy is "dead" - meaning metaphysics, the branch of philosophy that aspires to the most general understanding of space and time and other fundamental stuff of the world. Get rid of sophistry and defining into oblivion, learn some math and read some physics, he said. Pick any science and philosophers can drag it into the mud.Philosophers disagree and...

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Multistate Outbreak Of Hepatitis A Linked To Costco Organic Berries

A new outbreak of a hepatitis A strain rarely seen in the Western Hemisphere is believed to be associated with frozen mixed berries purchased from Costco. At least 30 illnesses are involved, including sicknesses in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada and Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend frozen berries purchased from Costco appear to be the source of this...

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Artificial Heart For Humans Is Part Cow, Part Machine

Carmat in France is getting ready to test a complex artificial heart that combines biology with machinery. The race is on to build a better heart and provide a safe bridge for cases where organ transplant is not available. Carmat's version uses synthetic and biological materials as well as sensors and software that detect a patient’s level of exertion and adjust output accordingly. It will...

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Camp Lawton, Recently Discovered Civil War Prison Camp, Yields 600 Artifacts

Discovery in science means something different than discovery in common terms. Local people may have seen a snake for 500 years but if it turns out to be a new species, that is a discovery.There also many Civil War-era battle and camp sites that local people know about but that archaeologists have not cataloged yet - they are not in history books and so the sites have not been officially...

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