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Posts made in October, 2013

When It Comes To This Science, The Mid-East Is Ahead Of The US

When you think about science leadership, you don't often think about United Arab Emirates. Dictatorships don't lend themselves to quality basic research but when they put their minds to applied research and development, and a lot of money, good things can happen.While environmental activists wish we were a little more dictatorship-oriented when it comes to banning cars, like the Chinese did...

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When It Comes To This Science, The Mid-East Is Ahead Of The US

When you think about science leadership, you don't often think about United Arab Emirates. Dictatorships don't lend themselves to quality basic research but when they put their minds to applied research and development, and a lot of money, good things can happen.While environmental activists wish we were a little more dictatorship-oriented when it comes to banning cars, like the Chinese did...

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Climate Scientists Should Be Less Political, Says Lonely Climate Scientist

If you visit the outside of a meeting regarding biology and policy today, you are sure to see protesters who all insist that they should be voting on the science.  They have reached their own consensus and their consensus is that biologists are just tinkerers who are out to create a scientocracy not bound by morality or ethics or anything beyond the cold pursuit of violating nature. read...

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Climate Scientists Should Be Less Political, Says Lonely Climate Scientist

If you visit the outside of a meeting regarding biology and policy today, you are sure to see protesters who all insist that they should be voting on the science.  They have reached their own consensus and their consensus is that biologists are just tinkerers who are out to create a scientocracy not bound by morality or ethics or anything beyond the cold pursuit of violating nature. read...

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Natural News Turns On TED Talks After TED Talks Turn On Pseudoscience

TED Talks have always been a little light on the science and heavy on the cultural etherealism. That's cool, they are obviously successful and you can't charge anyone outside government-grant funded academics or corporate-funded scientists a lot of money to attend a conference on just science but people will pay a lot more if you also throw in speculation about the future, a human rights activist...

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