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Posts made in October, 2013

We’ve Legislated The Middle Class Out Of California

Beware politicians who tell you that you need their help – what you want in a democracy is a system where no one blocks your upward mobility. But with a legislative culture that relies on creating people dependent on government, and regulations designed to insure that only the rich can start a business, California has put in motion a shocking decline in the middle class – as Joel...

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Clayton Kershaw Is Gunning For Sandy Koufax Mythology

Clayton Kershaw Is Gunning For Sandy Koufax Mythology

Clayton Kershaw is determined to show he is a modern day Sandy Koufax – by pitching on 3-days rest. This decade, that is rare for a franchise pitcher. In the ’50s, not so much. The Braves of that decade pretty much lived on a motto of ‘Spain and Sain and pray for rain’ after the Braves’ 1948 mythological pennant drive, when those two went 8-0, including two...

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Latkes And Turkey This Thanksgiving

Latkes And Turkey This Thanksgiving

Jews must be sick of Christmas getting all of the attention in the west – so this year they are beating the Black Friday rush and starting Hannukah before Thanksgiving. Lest you think this is some vast ‘Latkes instead of turkey’ conspiracy, lighten up Al Jazeera America viewer, it is just a quirk of the calendar and won’t happen again for 77,789 years. But if you are...

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Neuroeconomist Declares Dogs Are People Too: Biologists Do Collective Face Palms

There once was a time when biologists wished more people embraced biology - now they mat be wishing people loved their field a little less.Almost every crackpot notion can be linked to a brain scan, or a survey of college students, or a general behavior linked to results from twins, and declared biology. And if biologists object, those psychologists, economists and sociologists will say it...

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My Facts Versus Your Lies: Not Even Scientific Facts Are Sacred

It's popular to lament the politicization of important ideas like health care but it didn't start during the term of President Obama; let's keep in mind that war protests conveniently stopped after November of 2008, for no other reason than that the people behind the protests got their candidate elected - troops are still everywhere, the president launched two more military strikes against...

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