Posted on Jun 8, 2014 | Comments Off on Democrats Are Losing The War To Claim The Anti-Vaccination Movement Is Bipartisan
You may not know this, but there are Democrats who don't accept climate change. Quite a lot of them. Even elites in Congress.You wouldn't know it from reading most science blogs, of course. They are firmly trapped in 2004 - and missed the 1990s, when Democrats were the anti-science party, killing the SSC and America's green energy program - and think that global warming and evolution are the...
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Posted on Jun 8, 2014 | Comments Off on Can Ethical Mathematicians Work For The NSA?
Almost everyone agrees that the administration is engaged in a level of domestic surveillance and punitive harassment that hasn't been seen since the Nixon administration - but no one is quitting their job s over it.And so it's easy for some of the 3,000 attendees at the Joint Mathematics Meeting — a big event for their community - to engage in some moral posturing and state that...
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Posted on Jun 6, 2014 | Comments Off on Killer Regulators Are More Dangerous To Bees Than Neonics Are
At a time when the EPA is rushing to place new regulations on the one thing that is still cheap and increasingly environmentally effective in America, energy, it may seem strange to laud the EPA. But career scientists do solid work there.
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Posted on Jun 5, 2014 | Comments Off on Now That Natural Gas Is Working, Methane Is Being Called More Damaging Than CO2
In 2007, after a marketing blitz for climate change during much of 2006 and the release of a new UN IPCC report, mentioning that methane had 23X the global warming effect of CO2 would get you shouted down and sternly reminded that CO2 lasts far longer.
That is absolutely correct. Yet recently, twice in the same week, two papers warned us that methane will cause global warming regardless of...
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Posted on Jun 4, 2014 | Comments Off on DNA doesn’t determine race. Society does
Writing in Pacific Standard, Science 2.0 fave Dr. Michael White notes something that isn't obvious to the public - if you ask most biologists to identify race, they can't do it.If you ask anthropologists, sure. Race is an entirely social construct. There have been numerous efforts to make race scientific, based on differences in appearance and such. Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, etc. were...
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