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Posts made in January, 2015

Outsourcing: 3 Ways To Stop Medical Research Brain Drain

Throughout the 20th century, medical research and public health science was primarily done by corporations - the United States, with 5 percent of the population, generated more than 50 percent of the money and a whole lot more of the science.No more. Medical research has declined in the United States. It's a win for multiculturalism and a win for globalization but a loss for the U.S.  Yet we...

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U.S. Department of the Interior And Environmental Lobbyists Conspire To Suppress Science

U.S. Department of the Interior And Environmental Lobbyists Conspire To Suppress Science

Though we once got a promise to restore science to its rightful place, instead it looks more and more of the same anti-science mentality we got from President Clinton in the 1990s: Catering to environmental fringe groups - even going to far as declaring a small oyster farm "heavy industry" in order to shut them down.Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, as staunch a liberal as we can get, tried...

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Scotland Has The Only Anti-GMO Stance Worth Respecting

Scotland Has The Only Anti-GMO Stance Worth Respecting

Throughout the European Union, environmental elites have to scramble a bit to rationalize their anti-GMO stance while trying not to sound silly. That's not easy. How can modern GMOs be Frankenfood while the previous generation of genetically modified foods, made using less precise mutagenesis, are not only allowed but considered organic? read...

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Will Shakespeare, Secret Jesuit?

Literature scholars love to debate Shakespeare. Like 'the greatest baseball player of all time' everyone can have an opinion and they are all just as valid, if even a modicum of thought went into it.(1) He was real, he was not real, he was a fraud, he was the greatest writer of all time, he was a woman, you name it and someone in the humanities has argued for it. He was Catholic? Catholics...

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10,000 Shots Of Scotch And Why I Don’t Fear Pesticides

10,000 Shots Of Scotch And Why I Don’t Fear Pesticides

One of the biggest struggles in toxicology is creating the correct parameters so you are modeling the real world as closely as possible. It's an enormous task to model the environment with its millions of factors, so controlled studies are done using animals.Scientists design experiments that give an animal a lot of something at once and that can tell them 'this is the threshold where more...

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