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Posts made in September, 2017

Why is linguistics such a magnet for dilettantes and crackpots?

Why linguistics attract so much nonsense is because these “crackpots” are not linguists, according to a linguist. Scholars of yore, when reflecting upon language, would wonder things such as: which of the contemporary languages was spoken by the first man? Which one is superior to the rest? And which of the human tongues deserves the label ‘divine’? Modern linguists will not touch those...

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Why is linguistics such a magnet for dilettantes and crackpots?

Why linguistics attract so much nonsense is because these “crackpots” are not linguists, according to a linguist. Scholars of yore, when reflecting upon language, would wonder things such as: which of the contemporary languages was spoken by the first man? Which one is superior to the rest? And which of the human tongues deserves the label ‘divine’? Modern linguists will not touch those...

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If Regular Farming Is Now “Factory” Style, Why Do Only 0.4% Of Farms Pay Estate Taxes?

The President has declared he is against the Estate tax, and he is not alone. For decades it has seemed punitive to levy a special tax on wealth people already paid taxes on just because the person who paid the taxes died. In North Dakota, President Trump said he would "protect small businesses and family farmers here in North Dakota and across the country by ending the death tax" and that...

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If Regular Farming Is Now “Factory” Style, Why Do Only 0.4% Of Farms Pay Estate Taxes?

The President has declared he is against the Estate tax, and he is not alone. For decades it has seemed punitive to levy a special tax on wealth people already paid taxes on just because the person who paid the taxes died. In North Dakota, President Trump said he would "protect small businesses and family farmers here in North Dakota and across the country by ending the death tax" and that...

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