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Posts made in February, 2019

Forcing Other Countries To Ban Shark Finning: A Bipartisan Conservation Bill Back In Congress

During the George W. Bush administration, American furniture makers had a crippling disadvantage. While American timber was tightly regulated, foreign supplies had no limitations on where their wood originated from, and could engage in destructive practices and undercut U.S. companies.President Bush solved that by modernizing the Lacey Act, which was the conservation brainchild of...

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More Religious Belief Correlated To Lower Belief In Organic Food Claims

In a recent experiment, participants were asked questions to gauge how religious they were and then about their willingness to purchase a fruit cup. Half were told the fruit cup was organic and half were told it was gluten-free.People who were very religious had more favorable attitudes toward the gluten-free fruit cup and were more likely to say they would buy it than they would the organic...

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Vegetarians Are Even More Okay With Eating Insects Than Omnivores Are

For the last 20 years, insects have been touted as the next big thing in food, because they have a lot of protein and would be reasonable to produce at scale. And people who don't understand agriculture think land only suitable for animal husbandry could magically support amber waves of grain if we stopped eating steers.But are insects too icky? Perhaps to people who have never seen animals...

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Vegetarians Are Even More Okay With Eating Insects Than Omnivores Are

For the last 20 years, insects have been touted as the next big thing in food, because they have a lot of protein and would be reasonable to produce at scale. And people who don't understand agriculture think land only suitable for animal husbandry could magically support amber waves of grain if we stopped eating steers.But are insects too icky? Perhaps to people who have never seen animals...

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