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Posts made in October, 2021

Only 7% of Americans Trust Media. Katie Couric Is A Symptom, Not The Disease

Katie Couric recently revealed that she cut some comments by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who said in an interview that she thought kneeling during the national anthem was wrong, because she ‘wanted to protect’ her. Couric said she felt racial justice was a ‘blind spot’ for RBG so she was doing her a favor.read...

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You Can Soon Own Darwin’s Microscope

You Can Soon Own Darwin’s Microscope

In 1864, Charles Darwin gave a microscope (designed by Charles Gould for the firm Cary) to his 14-year-old son Leonard. Leonard died in 1943 but it stayed in the family - and now it is going up for auction; the only one ever offered to the public.Other microscopes he owned are still at Charles Darwin’s family home, Down House, and the Whipple Museum.Of this one, Darwin once wrote in a letter to...

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You Can Soon Own Darwin’s Microscope

You Can Soon Own Darwin’s Microscope

In 1864, Charles Darwin gave a microscope (designed by Charles Gould for the firm Cary) to his 14-year-old son Leonard. Leonard died in 1943 but it stayed in the family - and now it is going up for auction; the only one ever offered to the public.Other microscopes he owned are still at Charles Darwin’s family home, Down House, and the Whipple Museum.Of this one, Darwin once wrote in a letter to...

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Science Journalists Are Optimistic About Their Field

Recent survey results by SciDev.Net/CABI reveal that the majority of science journalists (633 respondents from 77 countries) believe that the field is not consolidating the way some other mainstream/legacy journalism specialties are.read...

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Facial Recognition Is Finally Raising Questions About Government Accountability

For most of this century, anyone in London has been photographed and filmed an average of 300 times each day. Their reasoning to start such intrusive scrutiny was that England, Wales, and Scotland led the developed world in crime, and a tourist attraction like London needed extra monitoring.read...

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