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Posts made in November, 2021

Electric Car Batteries Are An Expensive, Energy Intensive Headache To Recycle – And That Is Not Going Away

Riding a wave of government mandates and subsidies, and ignoring that fossil fuel usage to create electricity is identical to what it was before a trillion dollars in additional subsidies for solar and wind alternatives, electric cars are now everywhere.read...

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U.S. Right To Know: Queasy Links To Anti-Vax Conspiracy Groups Hint At Their Bias Against All Science

Writing in The Daily Beast, William Bredderman notes that the self-proclaimed whistleblower organization US Right To Know has a seedy undercurrent of malevolence; its relationship to the anti-vaccine movement. Welcome to the party. Get ready for your readers to be told you must have been bought off by Monsanto or Pfizer. While USRTK will claim its own funding has no impact at all on their...

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Arcane: League Of Legends On Netflix Deserves All The Accolades It’s About To Get

If you have never played "League of Legends" - and most of you have not - you might think you'll have little interest in (1) a cartoon about (2) said video game, but that may not be true. In fact, the game may continue not to interest you (1)  but the series could be the first in a long line of must-watch programs if this quality continues.Without spoiling the plot, it opens with a simple...

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Objections To Vaccine Mandates Are Political – But Both US Parties Are Doing It

If you read corporate journalism, you may get the impression that anti-vaccine sentiment never existed before 2021. That's not true, it was just rationalized (anti-corporate, distrust of Big Pharma) when anti-vax beliefs were held by the same political tribe as journalists - coastal residents in the US.read...

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Suspect Correlation: Eating Alone Linked To Heart Attacks In Women

If we want people to trust disease epidemiologists during the COVID-19 pandemic - and the next pandemic after that, since this was the third one of just coronavirus in 17 years - then we have to start holding suspect epidemiologists accountable.read more

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