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Posts made in September, 2022

Bitter orange, Ephedra and Heart Issues: Supplements Among The Left Coasts Show How Endemic Anti-Science Beliefs Remain

Since 2021, journalists and their political allies have been acting like Republicans are anti-vaccine and Democrats have always been the party of science.Just the opposite was true. Prior to politicization of COVID-19, right-wing religious states like Alabama and Mississippi had nearly 100 percent vaccine uptake while cities like San Francisco, Berkeley, and Los Angeles had so much denial that...

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Mother’s Touch Formula: Probiotic, Prebiotic, Non-GMO, And Lying About FDA ‘Approval’

Mother’s Touch Formula: Probiotic, Prebiotic, Non-GMO, And Lying About FDA ‘Approval’

Mother’s Touch Formula claims to be all of the stuff that the anti-science community loves; prebiotic, probiotic, Non-GMO, whatever.The problem is it also claims to be FDA approved, and that is a lie.Ignore the weird schism in culture that people who buy holistic goopy nonsense think FDA and most science is a Vast Corporate Conspiracy while seeking out scientific legitimacy, this stuff is...

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MeowTalk App Is A Psychic For Cat Owners

MeowTalk App Is A Psychic For Cat Owners

From the BBC to Daily Mail, corporate journalism is covering an app that claims to understand what your cat is saying and translate it for you.If you have used Alexa or Siri, you know those can't even understand English all that well, so you are right to be skeptical they understand cat. But MeowTalk has help. You tell it what you want to believe your cat is saying.It's like going to a psychic...

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Monsanto Gets 5th VIctory Over Predatory Lawyers In Roundup Case

Roundup, and its important ingredient glyphosate, act on a biological pathway only found in plants. In the American legal system, science is basically irrelevant in a jury trial, though, so anyone can sue over anything. Only in an appeal will science in science and health lawsuits be important.Yet sometimes the science is so clear no jury outside California is so opposed to evidence that they...

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