Posted on Oct 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Kids And Gun Deaths: Fact Checking American Academy Of Pediatrics Claims
In a recent paper calling to add even more regulations to legal gun owners, the American Academy of Pediatrics wrote "Each day, 28 U.S. children and teens -- the equivalent of a high school classroom -- die from gun violence, making it the No. 1 killer of youth through age 24."
How did they get their number, and why are they claiming a 24-year-old is a child?
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Posted on Oct 11, 2022 | Comments Off on The US Government Caused The Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak Fire – And The Poisoned Water Aftermath
The United States Forest Service manages the nation's 154 national forests and 20 national grasslands. That doesn't mean they always do it well. Controlled burns are something that have been done for thousands of years, to prevent wildfires, and they were done primarily by people not paid to do it, so it's baffling that government union employees who have this as their career can't do it...
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Posted on Oct 10, 2022 | Comments Off on Native Americans Fought Over Land – And Were Brutal In Taking It
Today, as the second Monday in October, the U.S. sort of celebrates a holiday. Since the late 1800s, made a federal holiday by Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937, it has been Columbus Day, after the Italian explorer funded by Spain who set sail for India and stumbled upon the Americas.I write "sort of" a holiday because federal government union employees get another day off but for...
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Posted on Oct 10, 2022 | Comments Off on APHA: Leading The Path Toward Equity – For Rich, White People
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is a 150-year-old organization open to "any persons interested in public health", if they are willing to fork over $225.One thing is certain; the organic industry and its client base has money to burn, so it is little surprise that the APHA is hosting a panel by Big Organic's favorite economist, Chuck Benbrook, PhD. Benbrook is executvie director of...
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Posted on Oct 8, 2022 | Comments Off on The Big Oil Company Behind Those Lithium Mines Being Stripped For Electric Cars
When French and German intelligence agencies passed along to the U.S. CIA that Iraq was acquiring components to build weapons of mass destruction, they did it assuming President Bush was like President Clinton and such information would send America to the negotiating table to loosen restrictions on the Iraq embargo that France and Germany were violating on the black market anyway. 'Promise not...
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