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Posts made in October, 2022

To IARC, Cancer Is Like 42 – The Answer To Everything

Writing in European Scientist, Drs. Samuel Cohen, Penny Fenner-Crisp, Alan Boobis, and Angelo Moretto compare the International Agency for Research on Cancer to the Douglas Adams conservative science-fiction spoof "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy." The book starts off with out-of-control government that doesn't know why it does things, but using terms like eminent domain, on earth before...

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National Foundation for Infectious Diseases Survey – People Are Worried About Flu Shot and COVID Booster Effects

The number of people with multiple booster shots versus the original vaccines is marginal - and new survey results may tell us why. I don't recall ever having any issue from a flu vaccine, maybe it is in people's heads, but there are so many stories of increasing side effects with each new COVID-19 booster taken that some are worried that a harmless flu vaccine may get worrisome if taken in...

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Marin County, An Anti-Vax Nexus Of California, Has Flipped To Team Science

Marin County, An Anti-Vax Nexus Of California, Has Flipped To Team Science

In "Science Left Behind", Dr. Alex Berezow and I recounted the numerous ways that science denial and acceptance solidly came down along political lines. With minor exceptions, if you found someone who denied climate change, you were going to find a Republican. If you found an anti-vaccine type, or anti-nuclear, or anti-GMO, you were going to find a Democrat.read...

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With Kenya Embracing GMOs, European Colonialism Erodes A Little More In Africa

There is no truly positive thing about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but at least it exposed European hypocrisy when it comes to science. Experts knew most of their energy was coming from Russia, not domestic solar power, and their "organic" food was also labeled such from the east.Or from countries forced to use an inefficient process or be blocked out of European stores - all so Europe could...

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