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Posts made in January, 2023

Alternative Meat Is Failing Because They Made Enemies Of Everyone Who Wanted To Be On Their Side

In engineering, an old joke goes that customers want cheap, accurate, and fast - but can only have two of those.Business is about compromise. In food, the USDA says all farmers are farmers so they turn a blind eye to the sleazy marketing tactics of the organic segment, like paying trade groups to defame conventional food and scientists who defend agriculture while the companies themselves make...

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This Is Not The Year To Monkey With It But The World’s Oldest Runestone Has Been Found

This Is Not The Year To Monkey With It But The World’s Oldest Runestone Has Been Found

It could be the opening for an adventure film but give the world since December of 2019 (March 2020 if you believed the World Health Organisation's oft-repeated claims from China that there was no COVID-19 pandemic) I would suggest we go ahead and re-bury the world's oldest runestone. I don't want to know who "Idibera" was, much less still could be, and neither should you.The early Iron Age...

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Decaf Coffee Using Biology Instead Of Chemicals – Which Science Will Activists Hate More?

Coffee of any kind requires beans and those beans contain caffeine. If you don't want caffeine your choice to remove it is a chemical or...a chemical. Yes, I know some companies claim they use only water but they really use water and “supercritical carbon dioxide”, which is like claiming the chemical that creates banana flavor is different if it's grown in nature or in a building, despite...

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10% Of Female Gamers Report Being Stalked

Video games are big business, far larger than movies and music - combined. Yet you never see video game developers being interrupted at lunch so fans can take a selfie. More money plus more privacy is a good industry to be in.For the 190 million gamers in the US, it can be a little trickier. Complaints of bullying in games are common, and women complain about it more than men.read...

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How Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Help Big Tobacco

The war on vaping peaked during the Obama administration and though the names behind it were groups you expect to be promoting public health - the U.S. CDC, American Lung Association and more - the funding behind many of those efforts may be two groups that are more interested in promoting nicotine patches and gums for Big Pharma than saving the lives of smokers.read...

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