Posted on Feb 3, 2023 | Comments Off on If Food Addiction Is Real, 13% Of Americans Have It
Is there an addiction that primarily affects one gender in one age demographic in rich countries? Survey data using the National Poll on Healthy Aging says there may be. The results were that about 13 percent of people from ages 50 to 80 responded in ways that could be interpreted as addiction to foods and beverages in the past year. Prevalence was much higher among women than men – older...
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Posted on Feb 2, 2023 | Comments Off on Economists Claim Virtual Pollution Ruins Your Chess Game
Small micron particulate matter, commonly called PM2.5, needs an electron microscope to be visible to you but once real smog, PM10, declined by the 1990s, air pollution activists began to tout this new killer. Since it is 1/4th the size of real pollution air quality maps could often be red, or at least yellow, and that is good business for trial lawyers. The problem quickly became that no one...
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Posted on Feb 1, 2023 | Comments Off on Just Correlation: Sleeping Pills Linked To Dementia
A new exploratory paper links sleeping pills to dementia but while the press release uses the term risk frequently, it minimizes a giant confounder; older people sleep less and people who have not yet received a dementia diagnosis may go on sleeping medication to try and mitigate restlessness.Another confounder is that they only find a higher correlation in white people. Science does not work...
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