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Posts made in March, 2023

Copenhagen Snuff Gets FDA MRTP Approval

Once Big Tobacco wrote out tens of billions of dollars in checks in a settlement brought on by their efforts to suppress the risks of cigarettes and cancer, lawyers pivoted to a war on all nicotine.There is no evidence nicotine is harmful compared to something like caffeine, it is certainly nowhere near as harmful as a legitimate carcinogen like alcohol, but we suddenly got claims about...

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Obamacare Linked To Over-Prescribing Antibiotics

An analysis of over 4,300,000 patients in 8,119 161 primary care visits found that publicly insured people, those using the Affordable Care Act public exchanges subsidized by government, were more likely to be given inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in cases of upper respiratory tract infections and opioids and benzodiazepines for patients with pain symptoms. The reason is that doctors...

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Resveratrol, Matcha, A Biology Degree Doesn’t Make You Immune From Believing Woo

Harvard biologist David Sinclair is so convinced he has the secret to staying 'biologically young' that he *ta da* sells it. And it is all things you can buy. Or do.He is mostly vegetarian and mostly doesn't drink. Okay, a moderate diet and exercise, you don't need a degree for that, you just need to have read "Readers Digest" any time since 1963. He looks young and perhaps always will, but just...

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‘I have used ozone therapy rectally. It’s pretty weird’

If you don't trust medicine but you do believe in psychics, astrology, and organic food, you are likely to do a lot of stuff that makes no sense, especially not to actual scientists at FDA who probably wish President Clinton had never legitimized that kind of garbage, but how goofy does it have to be when even Gwyneth Paltrow, Guru To The Alternative World, says it's pretty weird.Apparently...

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‘I have used ozone therapy rectally. It’s pretty weird’

If you don't trust medicine but you do believe in psychics, astrology, and organic food, you are likely to do a lot of stuff that makes no sense, especially not to actual scientists at FDA who probably wish President Clinton had never legitimized that kind of garbage, but how goofy does it have to be when even Gwyneth Paltrow, Guru To The Alternative World, says it's pretty weird.Apparently...

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