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Posts made in March, 2023

Communism Isn’t A Solution For Anything, Certainly Not Climate Change

A recent op-ed argues that the way to curb climate change is to invoke Malthus, or at least 20th century progressives like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and economist John Maynard Keynes and Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who all believed that retreating to the past was the only way to protect the future - well, the future for white elites, anyway.The ultimate...

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After Botching COVID-19, WHO Is Back To Undermining Public Trust In Science Using Salt

The World Health Organisation, fresh off nodding along while China claimed SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from American frozen food rather than their fake BSL rating at a Wuhan lab, is getting back to business as usual; manufacturing problems using suspect epidemiology.They are claiming salt is killing millions per year, and Washington Post is readily repeating it (look for 'women,...

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Neuroimaging: From Dead Fish To Diagnostics?

For decades, functional magnetic resonance imaging, looking at changes in the brain's blood oxygen, has over-promised and under-delivered, which made it a punching bag in the science community. People in the field tried to claim changes in pretty pictures meant more neurons working and suggested that meant X part of the brain controls Y behavior. It was never a valid link. By 2009, a paper...

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Bootleggers, Baptists, Battlestar Galactica

Do you want protection from changes that would increase competition and threaten your profits? Who wouldn't? That does not make it better for everyone else. read more

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The Older Ray Kurzweil Gets, The Crazier He Sounds

In the 1980s, "transhumanism" had an air of truthiness because digital became all the rage. Left out of that inconvenient math was that in order to digitize a human brain you'd need CDs as tall as a skyscraper.This never stopped Ray Kurzweil from saying the singularity was just around the corner. The corner being 25 years from whenever he was speaking. read...

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