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Posts made in March, 2023

NIMBY: Superficial Allies Of Sexual Minorities, Unless They’re Neighbors

NIMBY - not in my back yard - is an acronym for those allies who express support for a cause, as long as it is 'somewhere else.' Wind power, for example, is well-liked by people on the coasts of the US and Norway, until government decides to actually put wind power installations there. Then it's time to bring in Greta Thunberg.In San Francisco, nearly 80 percent of residents say they want to help...

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NIMBY: Superficial Allies Of Sexual Minorities, Unless They’re Neighbors

NIMBY - not in my back yard - is an acronym for those allies who express support for a cause, as long as it is 'somewhere else.' Wind power, for example, is well-liked by people on the coasts of the US and Norway, until government decides to actually put wind power installations there. Then it's time to bring in Greta Thunberg.In San Francisco, nearly 80 percent of residents say they want to help...

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COVID-19 Quarantine Adherence: 25% Lied About Complying, 70% Were Women

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a lot of confusion about what would help mitigate risk and what would not, and when rules seemed arbitrary (e.g. you can go to a tattoo parlor but not get a haircut) it may have caused resentment - and therefore quiet dissent.read...

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Polio Still Exists And COVID-19 Showed Why WHO May Make It Impossible To Kill

Smallpox is no longer with us, but what gets left out of United Nations history is that smallpox was eradicated in spite of the World Health Organisation saying it could never happen, not due to UN leadership. It was driven by US advocates who went around UN bureaucracy, all while being told it was a waste of time and money.Polio has long been gone from the US as well, and the efforts that made...

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The Lab Leak Theory Was Dismissed As Trump Xenophobia – Now Deniers Say It Was Not Accepted Because of Trump Xenophobia

In early March of 2020, I was aghast that the newest James Bond film might be postponed due to the pandemic. It seemed an overreaction.It is not that I denied there was a disease, I noted the death of a Chinese "Wuhan Flu" whistleblower when corporate media still said that concerns and calls to ban travel were racist and xenophobia. It is because I believed the science community had the best...

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