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Posts made in May, 2023

In Unanimous Fashion, SCOTUS Sides With Science Over The Biden Administration’s WOTUS Effort Again

For the third time, expansions of the poorly named Waters of the United States regulations have been struck down, this time in SACKETT ET UX. v. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ET AL., the Environmental Protection Agency cited the Clean Water Act and said a family could not build a home on land they owned - because the house was near a ditch and that ditch led to a creek and that creek led...

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The Scramble To Govern Generative AI In Healthcare

In the 19th century, charlatans traveled around selling magic potions, tonics, and salves but to stop them no one decided to ban actual medical research.The issue facing "AI", which is short for Artificial Intelligence, is that the only people who will feel bound by top-down control were never going to be a problem in the first place. Large Language Models, termed Generative AI, can be a huge...

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State’s Rights: SCOTUS Rules In Favor Of California Prop 12 On Imported Pork

Four years ago California voters passed Proposition 12, which goes around the often do-nothing legislature in Sacramento, which banned any sales of pork in the stare if the processor did not use California standards.California also does this to companies in things like light bulbs and cars and even gasoline, which leads to higher costs. The state imports nearly all of its pork so the the...

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Personalized Medicine Pilot Study: Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Leaves Half Cancer-Free 18 Months Later

Results of a small BioNTech pancreatic cancer vaccine with 16 patients showed that half remained free of the cancer after 18 months. It's an intriguing milestone because it is a deadly cancer due to many being asymptomatic until it has spread - and 88% mortality.The patients had a vaccine tailored to them individually, which shows the promise of using messenger RNA (mRNA) to get the patient's...

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Science Left Behind: EU Says Glyphosate Is Safe, But Will Ban It Anyway

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Committee for Risk Assessment is unsurprisingly more literate than a San Francisco jury, so they have joined every major scientific body in recognizing that the common weedkiller glyphosate does not cause cancer, or any other ailment, unless you fall into a vat of it and drown.Like anyone literate, they know plants are not tiny people. The biological pathway...

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