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Posts made in July, 2023

Fact Checking Christopher Nolan’s ‘Oppenheimer’

Unless you hate movies, you know this weekend was "Barbenheimer" - two highly regarded, very different films were on track to smash some records. And they did. "Barbie" did over $150 million while "Oppenheimer" did $80 million, a combined total unmatched for two competing opening weekends and "Oppenheimer was the first time a movie had exceeded $50 million when another opening went past $100...

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A Jury Can Award $18 Million Over Baby Powder But That Money Will Never Happen

Predatory lawyers love trials by jury because they are almost certain to win. It won't help their clients much. There are some instances where they do get some money. The so-called "Erin Brockovich case" led to a settlement even though the company could easily show that the water was not harmful. Yet nearly three decades later the people who say their stories won the case lament they didn't...

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Weekend Science: In Vitro Tests Show Espresso Prevents Alzheimer’s Protein Clumping

Espresso is a coffee extraction process where hot water is forced through finely ground coffee at a barometric pressure of nine - which means nine times the usual pressure you feel at sea level, which translates to about 130 pounds per square inch, about 400 percent of your car tires.Some people drink it diluted with water, an Americano, or with milk, as a latte. In modern times, some people even...

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With No Evidence Of Harm, Taxpayers Will End Up Paying Environmental Lawyers For PFAS Litigation

With No Evidence Of Harm, Taxpayers Will End Up Paying Environmental Lawyers For PFAS Litigation

With allied epidemiologists placed inside the US Environmental Protection Agency, and scientists pushed to the side, environmentalists feel like they are about to get a win when it comes to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that have been common for 80 years.And it will be a win - for the yacht payments of their lawyers. For the public, we will be no safer, we're not being harmed now,...

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Strawberries: Two Science Reasons They’re Bigger And Better This Year

Environmental Working Group, the Extinction Rebellion of affordable produce, is always in a war on strawberries - unless they only contain pesticides their organic industry corporate donors use or sell.For the scientifically literate, those with at least the intellect of 17th century peasants who understood 'the dose makes the poison', strawberries are healthy and safe. as is the rest of the EWG...

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