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Posts made in July, 2023

Opill is The First OTC Oral Contraceptive To Get FDA Approval

The US FDA has approved Opill (norgestrel) for oral contraception as an OTC product, the first daily oral contraceptive approved for use without a prescription. That means as soon as the company can get it in drug stores, convenience stores, grocery stores, and online, they will.According to surveys, half of pregnancies each year are unwanted, but in the modern health care system it can be...

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The Activist War On PFAS: Anti-Science Populism Or Should You Be Worried?

A new case study sounds the alarm that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are detectable in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The authors say the levels are alarmingly high.What does that mean? No studies have shown health issues related to PFAS yet and if they were a health concern, it would be known after 100 years. Yet cancer is not up, no environmental or lifestyle health issues are up...

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Asia Shouldn’t Worry About PM2.5 When The Killer Is PM10

A new paper laments fine particulate matter in Asia. which is like worrying about third-hand smoke when actual smoking is still killing people there.read more

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Socialism Claim: Taylor Swift Is Being Exploited By Capitalism

A new paper suggests that Spotify is creating a de facto slave labor market, e.g. how England had residents of cities like Manchester working for basically nothing in the early 1800s so they could ban actual slavery.read...

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Environmental Working Group Declares War On Blueberries, Ignores Organic Industry Pesticides

Environmental Working Group's annual organic food public relations piece, its 'Dirty Dozen' list, is out, and blueberries are the new target for their clients.EWG produces the Dirty Dozen list by looking at USDA data on pesticides and suggesting detection of a pesticide will give you cancer.Forget their non-existent command of science, this annual fraud is egregious because they don't list the...

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