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Posts made in August, 2023

Jim Jones: Unified Human Foods Program Gets Its First Deputy Commissioner

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Human Foods Program is a welcome switch from the old morass of government agencies covering food safety, chemical safety and technology, with EPA (which today is in 'everything is linked to cancer' mode), USDA ('as long as it's farmers doing the lying, we don't care what the National Organics Standards Board says about other farmers') and finally FDA, which...

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Epidemiology Fallout: Heart Attack Survivors Ignore LDL Cholesterol Risk Because Of Correlation Disrepute

The American Heart Association is concerned that stroke and heart attack survivors don't think enough about 'risk' of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, now colloquially termed 'bad' cholesterol. read...

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Annual NY State Butter Sculpture Unveiled

Annual NY State Butter Sculpture Unveiled

Photos of the 55th Annual Butter Sculpture have been spread far and wide thanks to the New York State Fair. It's a train, which is on brand with the theme of how dairy helps brains, bones and bodies work together grow. It's an important message; thanks to bizarre fads and activist campaigns, kids probably don't get enough food-based calcium and Vitamin D. New York, like California and a...

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Supplement Risk: Nuez de la India Diet Seeds Nuts Are Actually Toxic Yellow Oleander

In 1994, President Bill Clinton listened to his constituents who said Big Pharma was a corporate conspiracy and instructed the FDA to waive away any real control of the alternative-to-medicine industry. Unless they will kill someone, as long as the $35 billion industry writes a tiny disclaimer noting that there is no scientific basis for their claims and that therefore FDA doesn't agree with any...

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Epidemiologists Link Virtual Pollution To Dementia

Do you think particles so small you need an electron microscope to view them can cause dementia? Then my guess you are a trial lawyer looking for something new to sue about, a greedy person hoping to leverage a family member's illness to get rich, or an epidemiologist trying to get an expert witness contract.read...

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