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Posts made in September, 2023

No, Toxicologists Did Not Say Household Cleaners Cause Cancer

The trial lawyer outfit Environmental Working Group paid to publish a claim that a for-fee group paid by them 'detected' chemicals that a few fringe epidemiologists correlate to cancer - in animals - and therefore humans are at risk.Newsweek doesn't have any science journalists so they dutifully repeated it, but if you want an answer you can trust, rather than corporate media, here are the...

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A Nutritionist Reveals The Difference Between Farmed And Wild Salmon

Epidemiologists correlate eating more fish to better health and while skepticism is warranted - we're talking about what people claim on food surveys and taking it as scientific truth - there is no question its economic impact is real.Yet food activists then piled out to an environmental strain problem by claiming that farmed salmon is somehow worse. It resonated without any skepticism because...

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COVID-19 Lockdown Fallout: We May Have Failed School Kids

When a pandemic is happening in real time, it's only possible to know in hindsight what was a successful mitigation strategy, what was hype to help a presidential candidate, or even what was suppressed for geopolitical interests.There is no question mitigation was good, but political and corporate media pressure to keep the world locked down and terrified into 2022 was always immunologically...

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‘Urine’ Group HHRA – 7 People, No Revenue, But Claims They Are Above Scrutiny

In the past, you may have seen various 'we detected X in urine' papers endorsed by suspect names like homeopathy believer Phil Landrigan and endorsed by organic industry apologist Chuck Benbrook.What do such claims even mean? In science, nothing. We can detect anything in anything now, but groups like Heartland Health Research Alliance Ltd are prized by litigators who sue "at the drop of a rat"...

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How Hard Can It Be To Find One Lockheed Model 10-E Electra In The Pacific Ocean?

How Hard Can It Be To Find One Lockheed Model 10-E Electra In The Pacific Ocean?

In July of 1937, Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, on their way around the world, missed a planned stop at Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean. You may not even have known Noonan was on the flight, it's always been a better narrative to suggest she was solo, but one thing is well-documented. No one knows what happened to them.Uncredited read...

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