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Posts made in October, 2023

Halloween Candy: Myths And Facts About Healthy Teeth

When science finally settled the debate between genetics and lifestyle regarding oral health, the world began to set new benchmarks for improved health overall. After World War II it was discovered that bacteria in our mouths create acid from carbohydrates, and that acid erodes the enamel on teeth, which will mean more decay and cavities.read...

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For National Health Education Week, The Dumbest Thing You Can Do Is Buy Krill Oil

Next week is the oddly named National Health Education Week. Like calling a law that will dump poison into rivers the National Clean Rivers Act, the Health Education name is odd because the year it was created, 1995, by the Clinton administration's appointees in the National Institutes of Health, was the year after he exempted supplements and alternatives to medicine from FDA oversight. The $35...

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California Wants To End Exorbitant Net Meter Subsidies – Solar Lobbyists Declare War

With nearly $600 billion in unfunded liabilities, a loss of $30 billion just this year, and new regulations that will create unemployment while an entire Congressional seat fled for a more welcoming place, California needs ways to cut back.California solar is one place they're reducing costs. Right now, solar customers who already got subsides to install their panels also get to the sell excess...

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TikTok Can Be More Than Just Harvesting Your Data For Chinese Spies

Controversial social media video site TikTok has one supporter - a public relations academic at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.A recent paper, ironically in a journal from a publisher that has also been called predatory, argues that TikTok may be effective for encouraging women to get a pap smear, which aids in early detection of cervical cancer, which kills some 4,000 women each year in...

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No, San Francisco, The Emergency Alert Was Not Due To a 5G-Created Zombie Event

We now know that during the last election, a worldwide pandemic was also manipulated culturally for political gain. Just like in 2008, Democrats were early adopters with new tactics, viral internet campaigns, reneging on a promise to obey McCain-Feingold campaign finance rules so they could outspend Republicans 2:1, etc. read...

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