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Posts made in November, 2023

Is Your Organic Food Actually A GMO?

A few years ago, it was common for Whole Foods to blatantly lie in its marketing. Now, "organic" food is a $125 billion Big Food segment so they no longer need to lie and claim they are 'healthier' than normal food, or lie and suggest they don't use pesticides. read more

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Is Flossing A Waste Of Time?

Like the CDC manufacturing a prediabetes epidemic and pregnant women getting a scarlet letter if they have a glass of wine while pregnant, flossing seems to be a distinctly American phenomenon. Are we right? The British are famous for bad teeth, for example, and fiscal conservatives will say that's because dental care is not free under their socialized medicine. They must not floss, right?Well,...

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Vaping: The Epidemic That Never Was Is A Fad That Is Ending

In response to some young people experimenting with an effective smoking cessation tool, nicotine vaping, the Obama CDC did what more social authoritarian governments frequently do - overreact in order to convince the public they solved a problem few had.Vaping, the stupidly named e-cigarettes, were a fad and therefore some grifters did want to sell stuff to kids, no differently than grifters at...

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America Is Joining China When It Comes To Few Wanting To Get Married

America Is Joining China When It Comes To Few Wanting To Get Married

The biggest shopping day of the year is not Amazon Prime Day, nor is it Black Friday, it is instead on November 11th - Singles Day.China has so many unmarried people they turned it into a shopping celebration.In Sweet Lemons Rationalization, if you are unable to find someone worth marrying, you can declare you don't want to get married anyway.  If I say I don't want to date Heidi Klum, it is...

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Short Corn: How Science Saved The Public From Food Shortages, Though Environmentalists Oppose It

In 2020, storms caused an estimated $12 billion in damage, including in Iowa, where a giant amount of America's corn is grown. Yet only 16 percent of the state's corn was ruined.The reason was science; the corn had been genetically engineered to be shorter. That meant it needed less water, and resulted in less environmental strain, plus shorter stalks meant less risk from wind.read...

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