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Posts made in December, 2023

Government’s Electric Car Mandate Is So Profitable GM Is Buying Out Dealerships Who Don’t Want To Sell Them

The federal government now mandates and subsidizes electric cars. Like with similar solar panels, ethanol, and compact fluorescent light bulb schemes, science shows it isn't helping anything except the companies getting taxpayer money.With government providing corporate welfare, companies can cut lower-profit lines, including of electric cars, and focus on the fattest margins. Government funding...

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Golden Fleece: California High Taxes Offset By Designating A State Bat

In arguably their most important 2023 legislative move, Democrats have given California a state...bat. The rationale was that bats are 'as diverse as California' so why government immediately chose an official government winner, the pallid bat, is as mysterious as why we have a state goldfish, a state marine mammal, and a state butterfly.There are overwhelmingly 4,000 species of mammals so...

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COP28 Was Less About Climate Change Than Dismantling Democracies

Climate changes are always ironic. Wealthy celebrities flying in on emissions-belching planes while claiming they bought 'carbon offsets' from companies that made Al Gore so rich he is the kind of oligarch Republicans only wish they could be is always going to create skepticism.Having it in a mideast dictatorship that funds terrorism using wealth it derived from oil is next level.It's more ironic...

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With Electric Cars Mandated By The Biden Administration, Activists Target Prius Owners As Bad For Climate Change

We all remember when progressives gushed over the Prius as the car that was saving the planet. In standard 'endorse the alternative until it becomes the standard and then sue them and collect checks along the way' fashion, environmentalists have no turned on them.They are being declared NRE - which in this case isn't Not Really European, the NRE that white liberals on The Continent use to refer...

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Congress Undoes The Obama Administration War On Normal Milk – Now Restore Other Standards Of Identity

The House Agricultural Committee has undone a decade-long travesty brought on by the Obama administration, where they decided in defiance of the entire science community that low-fat and non-fat milk would lead to healthier outcomes in children.read...

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