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Posts made in December, 2023

With 18 Million Tons Of Lithium In California, Environmentalists May Flip On Electric Cars

There is an environmental playbook that hasn't changed in decades - because it works.Find something useful that is a successful industry, advocate and lobby for an alternative to replace it, then turn against the alternative after it's successful.It sounds cynical but if you look at hydroelectric power, natural gas, GMOs, and ethanol, they were all once demanded by environmental groups. Then when...

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How Europe Adapted To The Failure Of Alternative Energy

The dirty secret of alternative energy in Europe was that it never worked. You just wouldn't know it talking to Europeans. They believe in their government, and culturally that is what sets apart America - we believe in our country, but we don't trust our government unless they earn it.read...

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Virtual Water Estimate Claims A Bitcoin Costs 4200 Gallons Of Water – It’s Not Real

Virtual water is one of those 1990s breezy claims created by activists, just like 'it takes a gallon of gas to make a pound of beef.'Anyone with any middle school ability to do arithmetic knows it isn't true, or the Mid-East would have been fighting wars over water for 2,000 years, instead of fighting over everything but that. Virtual water uses estimates of all the water that goes into a process...

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California Nutritionist: Twins Experiment Shows Vegan Diets Are Healthier. Science Disagrees

A California nutritionist who routinely extols supplements, fad diets, and alternatives to medicine is prominently covered by corporate media for claiming food diaries using twins shows that vegan diets are healthier.Yet it is so full of confounders that even IARC epidemiologists would have to ask awkward questions about his conclusion using that methodology.read...

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