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Posts made in April, 2024

Biden’s Nursing Home Mandate Will Do To Rural Senior Care What Obamacare Did To Hospitals

U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris has started to take on more leadership in the Biden administration, for obvious reasons. A President declared too mentally unfit to face criminal charges is likely not going to finish out a second term if he wins re-election, so it is important for Democrats to get voters comfortable with her today, or else the 40 percent of their party who didn't want him to run...

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Voyager Has Come Back Online After 5 Months

Voyager Has Come Back Online After 5 Months

The Voyager 1 spacecraft launched in 1977 and is therefore the most remote human object in the universe, until it went dark 5 months ago and NASA engineers feared it lost.For Oppenheimer's birthday today, there is good news; it has resumed sending engineering updates to Earth. The voyage continues. The thing about space is, we can't even be sure it left the solar system, because the...

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California Is Lying About Recycling Plastic: Happy Earth Day

Recycling in America has long been controversial and no place more than California, where 'recycling garbage' was a short time ago one of California's top exports.No one believed China was recycling it but that they said they did was good enough for politicians and elites on the coast, so California claimed they met pollution targets - by continuing to add new items to dump into those blue bins...

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Oil Kept Congo From Starving – Western Academics Don’t Seem To Like That

If even a wealthy like Germany has to lie about emissions to placate government-funded environmentalists and burn wood and buy gas from Russia, it seems unfair to criticize a poor country like Congo, but the culture war on oil can't think about any of that.If you don't want to look like a rich, white progressive telling poor black people that the climate is more important than their children, the...

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Look At This Amazing Chart Of What Science Did For The Poor In the Last 100 Years

Look At This Amazing Chart Of What Science Did For The Poor In the Last 100 Years

Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words and sometimes it tells a whole book on how markets and freedom to science without government blockades can improve the lives of everyone.This USDA chart shows the land in use versus affordability of food versus population and it is breathtaking. Imagine what the world would have done if backward places like Europe and Russia adopted American science and...

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