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Posts made in April, 2024

China Sells Western Progressives Solar Panels While Switching To Nuclear Power

China has quietly overtaken France to become the world's second-largest producer of nuclear energy.read more

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Gen Z Americans May Be Timid And Despondent About The Future But Not Gen Z Elsewhere

If you live in a state like California, which can't balance its checkbook but thinks it knows everything about science and health, you are besieged with cancer warning labels, prediabetes awareness campaigns, and the vaping form of 'Reefer Madness' in commercials. Then they tell us in another taxpayer-funded campaign that young people are undergoing 'toxic stress' more than others.We won't let...

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If You Care About Earth Day, Stop Buying Organic, Fair Trade And Other Junk Stickers On Products

As Lenin's Birthday Earth Day approaches, all of media are pillaged by public relations flaks being paid by 'green' companies who are using capitalism to promote their financial form of environmental socialism.One thing they have in common; they claim whatever they are selling is more ethical than what everyone else is selling, and using their sticker will also make you part of the 1%. Literally....

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Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro Have Helped The Rich Create New Healthcare Sneetch Stars

It is impossible to not know about 'miracle' weight loss drugs when progressive science magazines like Science called them the "2023 Breakthrough of the Year", something they never said about GMOs despite those feeding 2 billion people with less environmental strain than ever before.Hey, they're not dumb, they know the demographics of 94 percent of their subscriber base - and anything that helps...

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Germany Lied To Its People About Nuclear, Then Solar, And Now Their Coal Emissions

A tsunami and an earthquake led to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear incident in which three of its reactors had meltdowns.Though it needed a perfect storm of events for that to happen, the science community knew future meltdowns would be impossible - and easily avoidable if Democrats led by President Bill Clinton and Senator John Kerry hadn't gotten nuclear research effectively banned in 1994. If...

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